Are you Press Ready?

If you’re opting to waive design services through DWRI Letterpress, you must supply Press Ready files. ‘Press Ready’ files are delivered according to the specifications below.

In general, files should be a vector and supplied at 100% black and white with a color composite provided.  Color composites can be an image file, PDF or Illustrator or InDesign file. This is for reference to ensure proper color separation and proofing.

Black and White files should have outlined type or have font files provided (packaged InDesign files are also accepted). Files should be provided to size with trim marks and at least an eighth of an inch bleed regardless of art. Each color should have a separate black and white file submitted. PDF files are preferred if they are generated from Illustrator or InDesign. 

If using images or illustrations, please ensure that files are live traced or a vector format and embedded. Please contact DWRI Letterpress if you need assistance with converting your images to a vector or converting physical drawings via scanning and digitization services. 

Artwork that extends off the edge of the final trim must be supplied as a bleed of at least one eighth of an inch. Please do not place important information or vital design elements within one eighth of an inch of the edge of the final piece. If using a printed border, place at least one quarter of an inch away from the edge of the final piece. Minimum stroke weight is 0.75pt and DWRI reserves the right to add a hairline stroke to thin type or script to ensure fine printing (proofs will be sent if files are modified in any fashion). 

Please choose a Pantone color for each printing pass. We primarily use Uncoated PMS numbers—please review a physical swatchbook and do not rely on digital color. 

ie, if you’re submitting a three color letterpress job, you’ll supply 1 composite image showing all three colors and 3 black and white files, one for each printing layer, and the three Pantone numbers you are specifying. 

DWRI Letterpress may charge a ‘File Handling’ or ‘Prepress’ fee if your files do not meet our standard for ‘Press Ready’. This is generally $75 per file but may be more if your files require extensive work. 

Files supplied via Canva will be assessed a $75 charge per file. Please download a high resolution print file. 

Files supplied via Photoshop or Procreate will be assessed a $75 charge per file. Both are raster or pixel based programs and must be converted before printing (otherwise you’ll see pixels on the edges of everything!). 

Hard copy proofs may be requested. Much of the cost associated with letterpress printing is associated with the setup so hard proofs cost $125 per color or pass. Digital proofs are provided upon request with no charge.